Monthly Archives: April 2019

Omtom 2019

The Two Oceans marathon number 4 this year. Something about this race that keeps me going back. Now that I have experienced both routes I can give a breakdown of which was a better route.

I don’t write these blogs for comparisons, I write about the lead up to the event and the recap. The good and bad. The fun that I had over the last few months getting ready for race day.

A long training period, lots of running, plenty early morning runs which were fun in the summer months but the fun fades quickly as the summer months fade away. The cold 5am runs are no longer fun, they’re actually horrible. The company is great but nobody really wanted to be running in the dark. We were a small group of complaining adults. Saleh, Elzaine, Rushda and Rasheeda. Nazier popped up from time to time. Then we had weekend long runs and Wednesday afternoon longish runs. Wednesday afternoon runs were tougher, City Bowl heat, breathtaking views and again good company, Dullah, Iekie, Saleh, Weshaam, Rasheeda, Rushda (when she wasn’t in PE running on the kak Boardwalk) and Shirnel. I’d like Rasheeda and Rushda to give insight about those runs. I may have been cursed by them once or twice. Unlucky for them I take no prisoners.

Training done, goals set and boom race day. There we were in our ponchos, jackets, buffs and bundles of nerves. The day is a long one, awake at 03h00 to run at 06h40. Only runners and their families will understand this situation. Meet at the back of E Pen was the plan, we got together for a few selfies, hugs and well wishes. A very festive vibe at the start of Two Oceans. Music, singing, chit chat and nerves. Looking around you get to see veterans with 20 odd completed runs, some going for number 10 and some doing their first one. The special one.

Kenfac bus, driver Wasfie Adams the reliable go to guy if you need to be dragged in he’ll do that for you, literally. The guy is too fit, we need to get him involved in those 100mile events. Mo and I had plans of a Bronze medal, Omtom bronze medal pace is anti-social. A few jokes here and there but the focus was getting to the halfway mark for supplies for us. Tamsyn had those ready, with her was Antoinette my old sister and Kendall my niece. Omtom is a family day.

Before that, Vania had a bottle of vuma prepared by Ezzo, got that at the 10km mark. It’s great to see friendly familiar faces along the route.

Cape Town had a 4 seasons day. Typical. Conditions started out great, nice and cool, then rain and then the sun came out to rest just above my bald head.

Mo was a man on a mission, we were on track through 25km, got the supplies but I had to turn back because I forgot my supplement stash. I tried to catch up with Mo but the guy was strong going up Ou Kaapse weg. Halfway up I realised my sub 6 wasn’t happening. Good thing I got a bottle before Ou Kaapse Weg because it was tough going up. A good challenge which is probably tougher than Chapman’s Peak that’s obviously my opinion. Eventually at the very top there was some life, a water station, a toilet which I had to use. The idea of going in the bush again wasn’t going to happen. Cape Cobras and Puff Adders live on the mountain. There are better ways to die. So Ou Kaapse Weg became Ou Kakste Weg, the less I talk about that the better.

Going down took forever, it has a Fields hill vibe about it, exceptional views but tough on the quads. In the distance the quads of Pollsmoor could be seen. I’d rather run up and down Ou Kaapse Weg everyday for a month than lam in those quads. Nangaani.

Onwards to the marathon mark we go, Lameez’s family Lee-Anne, Zubayr and Alia had Apple Bompies. Legends I say. That was a welcome change to the coke, water and powerade that was provided. A little further on Tamsyn was there again this time there was a chair set up for me, a sit down and an orange or two. Some jokes and then she chased me away. Very aggressive.

Southern cross se moer. After running for 40 odd kms then this son of a bitch comes, but that wasn’t the soul destroyer, the ridiculous loop at the top. I’m sure 16000 including Bongmusa must have uttered WTF! The Blue bus caught up to me and then the fun started, Wasfie is hilarious when innvus driver mode, “come on everybody, we going to dance to Kirstenbosch gardens!” not a single soul smiled. Classic.

8kms to the finish, then the snipers came out for my thighs. Bastards, fitness is an issue. Soldiering on to the finish lucky for me my smile and grimace is the same thing. Faizel popped up out of nowhere, good to see the excited look on his face. Lameez was on her way.

Jerome and I were playing cat and mouse, great to have a chat with the man, he had a great reason to complete this beast of a race. I told him, come we run up Chet’s hill. His response was, “is jy befok” off I went. I saw the Kenfac bus in the distance, trying to get back there for more jokes. It was tough, tired legs but all worth it. Club gazebo on the Island at Rhodes Memorial, thanks Chairman for the early wake up. High fives and 850m to fetch a medal. Got to the group just in time to cross the line in a sea of blue, black, yellow and salty faces.

Congrats to all the club mates and friends for their achievements. Thanks to all the supporters and shout out to Tamsyn, she makes race days worth it.

Thanks for reading, there’s our medals, Omtom 2020 I’ll see you then. Bye.

My new post race dress code. Towel man wrap. Underpants are optional.